“Mannequin Model” – When Society’s Gaze Is Taken Too Far– Short Story Review
Hairy-chested Smile Man shoved his hands in his pockets and leaned back on his heels. “Smile, or shall I give you something to smile about? "
~ excerpt from “Mannequin Model”
Park Avenue South, New York City, is the location of a skeezy clothing store selling more than teen and toddler dresses. It’s the place where one young college student desperate for cash hopes to score a few extra bucks. But not before she discovers that modeling as a mannequin in a window is just the beginning of what parts of her are really for sale. “Mannequin Model” can be found in the pages of Tamika Thompson’s collection, UNSHOD, CACKLING, AND NAKED – the winner of the 2024 Next Generation Indie Book Awards for Best Horror.
Don’t stand still if you have an amazing short story to share. Dust it off and submit it to the Killer Shorts Horror Short Screenplay Competition. Submissions are open now!
The Plot
A broke college student sees a newspaper ad for “gorgeous dolls” to work as mannequins in a Manhattan department store. She is all in. Broke and desperate, she jumps at the chance to remedy her two most pressing financial needs – tuition and money to support her grandmother. The young woman was eager to give back to the elder who raised her when her mother chose to be with a man who liked young girls a little too much.
The store owner, Maggie Nguyen-Nwagwu is no-nonsense and a bit abrasive. She runs a clothing shop catering to teens and younger. Stick a pin in this revelation because it will mean something later. The unnamed protagonist’s job entails standing in the window that faces into the mall. She must stand in the same pose for four hours modeling itchy clothes. The money is better than any she had ever seen so, although she has to skip class to be on time for this gig, she is excited to do it.
Her first day of work will be her last.
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