“Sole Survivor” – When a Story Puts Its Foot In It – Short Story Review
Where we love is home - home that our feet may leave, but not our hearts.
~ Oliver Wendell Holmes, Sr.
Hugh Albertson nurses a deep and unsettling fixation. As he grows from a little boy into a young man, that singular desire can only be filled through increasingly morbid acts. Author Robert Creekmore weaves a tale of obsession and a foot fetish into a nightmare scenario in his short story, “Sole Survivor” featured in the ezine, Cinnabar Moth Literary Collection Issue 4, Volume 3.
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The Plot
Five-year-old Hugh witnesses the lustful encounter of his teenage cousins Amelia and Kelvin from a hidden space beneath a bed in his great aunt Bonnie’s home. From his vantage point, the feet of each lover are front and center, especially Amelia’s Pepto-Bismal painted toenails. The experience leaves an indelible latent impression on Hugh’s sexuality. His specific appetites become very clear to him in his last years of high school setting him on the path to becoming a podiatrist.
Although he satisfies his desires with women’s shoe catalogs, the need for real women’s feet can’t be ignored for long. The death of his cousin Amelia is the catalyst that sets the thirst to pursue his predilection into motion. Hugh starts with coaxing a willing girlfriend to allow him to nibble on her soft arches but one night takes the role play too far. He realizes what he really wants won’t come from a living partner. To read the entire blog, head to Killer Shorts Reviews.