“A Killer Secret” – Horror and Hilarity with a Side of Slasher – Horror Short Review
The trust of the innocent is the liar's most useful tool.
~ Stephen King
Two college besties sit in the dark watching a slasher film. The doorbell rings setting off all manner of horror and hilarity in the film, “A Killer Secret”, from filmmaker, Bettina Bresnan playing now on Alter’s YouTube Channel. Written by Bresnan and Julian Burzynski, the comedy, the scares, and the smart dialogue combine for an edge-of-your-seat, laugh-out-loud wild ride.
It’s no secret that getting your script into the hands of industry professionals is a great idea! Submit your own script to the next Killer Shorts Horror Short Screenplay Competition.
The Plot
Huddling in the dark, the light from the television screen illuminates two friends as they watch an 80s-style slasher. The pair are in an animated discussion about their abilities to survive a Michael Myers situation similar to what is playing out on screen. Sassy dialogue, back and forth, during the movie peppered with witty observations sets the comedic tone to follow.
The pair’s interaction quickly establishes their somewhat vapid approach to life which works in the film’s favor when death comes knocking. During their discussion of why they would die first in a life or death situation, the doorbell unexpectedly rings. It’s past midnight. Then a cell phone rings. The caller ID display reads UNKNOWN. When one of them answers the call, static fills the line and the voice appears to say, “I’m going to kill you.”
This intrusion into their otherwise cozy evening triggers a chaotic dash for their survival...… To read the entire blog, head to Killer Shorts Reviews.