“Jacqueline Laughs Last In The Gaslight” – A Rip Roaring Murder Spree – Horror Short Story Review
You know the way
It leaves you dry
It cuts you up
And takes you high
~ Song - “Cuts You Up” by Peter Murphy
WE ARE HERE TO HURT EACH OTHER is a tour de force collection by Paula D. Ashe, Bram Stoker Award nominee and Shirley Jackson Award winner for this solid horror work. Within its pages, twelve short stories of disparate topics and terror all come together and commit to the theme of the title. One of those stories is a gothic piece set in Victorian London called “Jacqueline Laughs Last in the Gaslight.” Told through Jacqueline’s eyes, this story weaves a juxtaposition between her villainous inner thoughts and performative religion. What could go wrong?
There is nothing wrong with finding the author’s work anywhere good books are sold, and you can find a link below to the publisher to get a copy in your hands. It might inspire you to get your own short story ready for the next Killer Shorts Horror Short Screenplay Competition.
The Plot
In early July 1888, a young newlywed, Jacqueline, and her deacon husband arrive in the Whitechapel part of London to minister to the outcasts and dregs of society – the holy couples’ intended congregation at St. Mary Matfelon. These filthy streets are a …To read the entire blog, head to Killer Shorts Reviews.